pas·sion (păsh' un) n.
1. A powerful emotion, such as love or joy.
2. a. Ardent love. b. The object of such love or desire.
3. Boundless enthusiasm.
These are just a part of the definition for the word "passion," but they are the parts that I want to think about for just a moment. A mentor of mine was speaking into my life the other day, when he began to tell me about the power source for my life. Or for any person's life for that matter. That power source is your passion. Everyone may have a different passion, but everyone should have one.
- Passion produces purpose for your life.
- Passion will push you past the problem.
- Passion will cause you to expect more, go farther, accomplish greater, and get the best from every day.
Now you will need to watch out for the "passion poisoners." These are the people that will try to undermine your passion. They may not realize what they are doing or they may be quite well aware of what they are doing. It doesn't really matter which one they are, because either one can do damage if you let them.
Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, because out of it flow the springs of life (or out of your heart flows your passion). Proverbs 4:23 (paraphrased)
(One word of warning: Guard your heart, but don't fortify it. There are enough walls in the world without building any around the one thing that holds your passions. You want to watch out for those who would poison your passions, but you don't want to keep out the ones who may become your passion.)
As one who has chosen to follow God, and His Son, Jesus, as Lord and Savior, let me say that for me, my passion is becoming, more and more, about knowing and loving God and His people. And speaking of choosing, my mentor mentioned a part about being passionate that I had not expected. He says that passion is not a feeling; it is a choice! What? I thought that passion was something that we just wake up and feel each day. Whether it is passion for a person or for a career or maybe even for God. Not necessarily. We may be passionate about something or someone, but most all of us, if we have lived long enough, have had the experience of waking up one day and not feeling that love or passion anymore. We have to choose that passion again. We have to choose to live with passion each day. Even if we don't think that we have a passion, choose to live with passion. You (and I) will be surprised to discover that we find things that we want to be passionate about. And while we are talking...may I suggest that you choose to find out about the God I know. Just ask Him to become real to you. Let Him show you about a passion you can choose every day for the rest of your life.
~ rachman
I really liked your thoughts on this subject. I can't remember anyone really focusing on this subject very much, but it has become of great interest to me lately. In my own study I have discovered that the word (mis)translated wrath in the Bible really means passion which has subsequently radically changed my whole picture of God. The things you said here added a lot to that.
One thing that came to my mind while reading your piece was that the "spring of living water" that Jesus talked about us having when connected to Him would be very much what you describe here. The spring opened up in our hearts is really just an outlet of the passion of God flowing through us.
All the more reason to guard, but not block, our hearts.
Good thoughts here.
Hi C.F.
Good to hear from you, my friend. Thank you for your kind words and thank you for the added insight on the subject of passion. I love that about "the spring of living water," being the passion of God flowing through us. So be it!
Thanks for coming by to visit. Walk in the blessing of God. Till next time.
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