!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> rachman-unprecedented: Top Ten People Needs


So what is this going to be? A little bit of everything I think. Maybe that's it. What I'm thinking. What I'm believing. I hope what I'm knowing. And why would anyone care what I think I know? There's no reason in the world that you should. But then why are you here? Cuz you have to be somewhere I suppose. I've never been here before. I may not be back. I might get too busy to care; time is short. That's fine. Nobody can deal with it all at once. There is a lot to deal with.

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Location: The Great Plains, United States

I try not to take myself too seriously, but I know I have far too much. So I'm trying to learn how to laugh again, as I had forgotted for a while there. Also I'm relearning to enjoy life; you know, like when we were kids. The biggest challenge ahead is learning how to love God with all my heart, and soul, and mind, and strength. This one is not really that hard when you know the truth. But along with it comes learning to love others as I love myself, and that one is, as they say, "a horse of a whole different color." I think I need to learn to love myself a little more, but the problem may be that I know all these facts about me. Sometimes the facts are simply wrong or they are just stuck in the past. I'm trying to get my facts to line up with the truth. As someone once asked a great man, "what is truth?" If he had only known.

rachman's weblog

Friday, June 01, 2007

Top Ten People Needs

Our spiritual life is a reflection of our relationships. We can't separate the two. God created us to spend time with others. We are not made to be a recluse. "People who need people," as Miss Streisand sang it, "are the luckiest people in the world." Some very religious people think that they only need God, but God intended something much better. Yes, we are to be part of something bigger than ourselves, but also a part of something very physical down here on earth. Since we chose to not stay with Him in Paradise, He chose to come down to earth, in the form of a man, and stay with us. He knows first hand what human flesh needs, because God, the Son, now lives in flesh. You think maybe God can tell us what we need in our relationships? Take a look at the top ten:
10) We all have the need for approval. Matthew 3:17 ~ And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.” ~ If all fathers gave their sons (and daughters) that blessing, we would have fewer problems in the world today. However since we can't change the past, start planting this "seed" into the future of others. Instead of going around seeking approval, sow approval into the lives of others. It will come back home to you as well. Ecclesiastes 11:1 ~ Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.
9) We all have the need for respect. 1 Peter 2:17 ~ Respect everyone, and love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God, and respect the king. ~ One of the best ways to show respect to others is to eliminate all prejudice. Who am I to judge you anyway? Once I quit judging you, it's easy to respect you.
8) We all have the need for affection. Romans 16:16 ~ Greet each other in Christian love. (With a holy kiss.) All the churches of Christ send you their greetings. ~ Everyone has a different comfort level for this sort of thing, so respect for other's feelings comes into play with this one. All the relational needs seem to work together quite well. There was a time when I wanted to hug my own father, but didn't. Pride? Fear? Uncertainty? All these things were involved, but now that it is too late, I know that it was all foolishness. Take me as an example and don't be a fool any longer.
7) We all have the need for encouragement. First Thessalonians 5:11 ~ So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. ~ Unfortunately in the world in which we live, we're not already doing this. All the same, Jesus, in his time, went around giving people what they needed: healing, deliverance, love, forgiveness, answers, instruction. All these things encourage and build up. We may not think we can do as much, but we could surely do more than we have been. And to paraphrase Jesus, he said we would do greater works than he had done. Whoa! Let's just start out by encouraging.
6) We all have the need for support. Galatians 6:2 ~ Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their burdens, and so complete Christ's law. ~ Wow! How many of us would not have liked to have had someone do that at one time or another for us. Well it's time that we did it for someone else, and after many days we will find it happening to us as well.
As this is going a bit longer than I planned, numbers, five through one, will come in a few days. Until then sow some approval, respect, affection, encouragement, and support into the hungry soil of people's lives. Then just wait a little while and see what comes up.
~ rachman


Blogger Clay Feet said...

Very good thoughts. Where did this list come from?

2/6/07 10:19 PM  
Blogger rachman said...

Hi C.F.--it's good to hear from you again. I've missed visiting with you, but it seems I have been preoccupied with the every day facts of life. I was off this last weekend and have taken a little time for the blog.

The list of needs actually came from a strategy sesson (sermon) my pastor gave last week. If he got it from anyone else, I'm not aware of it.

Thank you for the kind words. By the bye, I like the new photo, (but I do miss the cat).

~ r.

4/6/07 12:12 AM  
Blogger CaptainCraft said...

That was a pretty good list.

I look forward to reading the rest of it.


4/6/07 7:41 PM  
Blogger rachman said...

It's always good to hear from you, Scott. I'll try to get the rest of the list out in a few days.

Later ~ r.

4/6/07 11:47 PM  

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